The new parent portal is live. The link for it is It is also on the district website.


Through this portal, parents will have single sign on access to skyward, canvas, and other apps as time goes on.


Login Process:


  1. Parents will go to the link above and enter the email address that is entered for them on the Guardian Information Screen in skyward.
  2. Parents will receive an email at that address with a one time password.
  3. They will enter that password, then will be prompted to enter their name and the password they would like to use.
  4. Going forward, they will enter their email address and password.
  5. If they forget their password, they can click on Send One-time Password or Forgot Password.


In order for Parents to login, these 3 requirements in skyward must be met:

  1. The parent must have an email address listed under their guardian name.
  2. The parent must be set as a “Custodial Parent”
  3. The “Allow Family Access” box must be checked.


If you update parent information in skyward, it will take 24-48 hours before they will be able to login.