It is that time again. We have a very easy fundraiser from the Great American School Store that we are going to use to raise funds for general supplies. There will be a pizza party for the class of each grade level that sells the most. Also, there will be individual prizes for students that sell several items. The fundraiser will run February 3rd through February 12th. Ask your child about their packet of information.
Student Prizes:
Sell 1 item get a character key chain
sell 5 items get a flying rocket or fancy frog
sell 10 items get a fidget spinner
sell 15 items get 2 spins on the money wheel
sell 30 items you get to put a pie in the face of the principal.
Prizes are cumulative
For our school to receive credit for the orders please use the following link
Related Files
- Fundraising letter- MCCS.pdf (439.1 KBs)